Results for 'Cristian S. San Segundo'

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  1.  31
    Witnessing as an Existential Phenomenon.Cristian Ciocan - 2023 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 79 (1):21-43.
    Dans cet article, je propose une exploration du phénomène du témoignage. Mon but est de montrer que la perspective phénoménologique rend possible une approche intégrative du témoignage, compris comme un phénomène qui engage la structure existentielle du sujet, articulant les relations entre langage, présence, mémoire, vérité et temporalité. Le témoin n’est pas seulement celui qui témoigne, mais d’abord celui qui affronte, dans sa présence expérientielle, un événement dont le sens est bouleversant et institue ainsi le sujet comme témoin : soit (...)
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    Augustinus homo dialecticus – Agostinho em defesa da dialética no Contra Crescônio, gramático e donatista.Cristiane Negreiros Abbud Ayoub - 2019 - Analytica. Revista de Filosofia 21 (2):37-56.
    Agostinho de Hipona recebeu uma formação intelectual nos moldes da cultura clássica, tendo sido educado segundo o ciclo disciplinar varroniano. Provém dessa educação sua apreciação da dialética como arte que instrui argumentar corretamente e que permite discernir, nos discursos, os elementos que geram a falsidade da conclusão. É a dialética que permite conectar proposições verdadeiras para alcançar conclusões também verdadeiras e é elaa ciência que deflagra a falsidade e a dissimulação nos argumentos. Ora, na obra Contra Crescônio, gramático e (...)
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    Teoría de la verdad evolucionaria en Peirce.Cristian Soto - 2010 - Critica 42 (126):25-44.
    Expondré las líneas generales de una teoría de la verdad evolucionaria con tres objetivos principales: primero, mostrar que ella da cuenta de la teoría de la verdad pragmatista de Peirce, reuniendo la convergencia y la correspondencia; segundo, evidenciar que involucra compromisos metafísicos realistas a partir de la relación entre evolución, verdad y realidad; y, tercero, arrojar luz sobre un aspecto importante de la discusión contemporánea sobre teorías de la verdad, a saber, su carácter eminentemente metafísico. I shall expound the (...)
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    Why Declaring Ortega To Be A Phenomenologist Is Important. Reasons And Difficulties / ¿Por qué es importante considerar a Ortega y Gasset fenomenólogo? Razones y dificultades.Javier San Martín - 2013 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 4 (1):297-312.
    The debate about Ortega’s relation to phenomenology has been continuous since the eighties of the last century. Before this date, Ortega’s manifestations that he had abandoned phenomenology at the same moment he came to know it were understood literally, without scrutinising other manifestations of his that he had made on phenomenology, or that his philosophy is similar to that of Husserl’s final works. Both manifestations seek to question the previous ones. The text clarifies first the meaning and importance of this (...)
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    La imagen del ser humano: historia, literatura y hermenéutica.Javier San Martín & Tomás Domingo Moratalla (eds.) - 2011 - Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva.
    Los trabajos que aquí se presentan ofrecen una gran panorámica sobre la reflexión en torno a la vida humana y vienen a continuación de los expuestos en el libro Dimensiones de la vida humana tal como las ofrece la antropología española. Ahora se abordan esas dimensiones desde tres vertientes diferenciadas, la historia, la literatura y la hermenéutica. La vida humana es plural y así son también las vistas sobre ella. Un primer conjunto de textos trata de la imagen del ser (...)
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    Aplicaciones y seguridad en la implementación de competencias prácticas en entornos de gestión del aprendizaje.R. Gil, E. San Cristóbal, M. Tawfik, S. Martín, A. Pesquera, G. Díaz, A. Colmenar, J. Carpio, J. Peire & M. Castro - 2011 - Arbor 187 (Extra_3):135-151.
    En este artículo exponemos algunas mejoras y aportaciones en dos aspectos de los sistemas de gestión de aprendizaje (LMS). El primer aspecto es la seguridad y la autenticación, donde presentamos una modalidad de combinar la autenticación tradicional de contraseña y nombre de usuario con la autenticación por la técnica biométrica de comparación de huellas dactilares. El segundo aspecto es una arquitectura middleware capaz de dar acceso desde los LMS a distintos laboratorios remotos y virtuales (online) de forma que, se (...)
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  7. Origin, evolution and diversity of languages. A biolinguistic approach.Rosabel San Segundo Cachero - forthcoming - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy.
  8. Diachronic syntax, de Ian Roberts.Rosabel San Segundo Cachero - 2008 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 27 (2):157-159.
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  9. How new languages emerge, de David Lightfoot.Rosabel San Segundo Cachero - 2009 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 28 (1):202-205.
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  10. Origen, evolución y diversidad de las lenguas. Una aproximación biolingüística, de José Luis Mendívil Giró.Rosabel San Segundo Cachero - 2010 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 29 (1):170-175.
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  11. The Deluge of Spurious Correlations in Big Data.Cristian S. Calude & Giuseppe Longo - 2016 - Foundations of Science 22 (3):595-612.
    Very large databases are a major opportunity for science and data analytics is a remarkable new field of investigation in computer science. The effectiveness of these tools is used to support a “philosophy” against the scientific method as developed throughout history. According to this view, computer-discovered correlations should replace understanding and guide prediction and action. Consequently, there will be no need to give scientific meaning to phenomena, by proposing, say, causal relations, since regularities in very large databases are enough: “with (...)
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  12.  20
    On partial randomness.Cristian S. Calude, Ludwig Staiger & Sebastiaan A. Terwijn - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 138 (1):20-30.
    If is a random sequence, then the sequence is clearly not random; however, seems to be “about half random”. L. Staiger [Kolmogorov complexity and Hausdorff dimension, Inform. and Comput. 103 159–194 and A tight upper bound on Kolmogorov complexity and uniformly optimal prediction, Theory Comput. Syst. 31 215–229] and K. Tadaki [A generalisation of Chaitin’s halting probability Ω and halting self-similar sets, Hokkaido Math. J. 31 219–253] have studied the degree of randomness of sequences or reals by measuring their “degree (...)
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  13.  44
    Spurious, Emergent Laws in Number Worlds.Cristian S. Calude & Karl Svozil - 2019 - Philosophies 4 (2):17.
    We study some aspects of the emergence of _lógos_ from _xáos_ on a basal model of the universe using methods and techniques from algorithmic information and Ramsey theories. Thereby an intrinsic and unusual mixture of meaningful and spurious, emerging laws surfaces. The spurious, emergent laws abound, they can be found almost everywhere. In accord with the ancient Greek theogony one could say that _lógos_, the Gods and the laws of the universe, originate from “the void,„ or from _xáos_, a picture (...)
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    Embedding Quantum Universes in Classical Ones.Cristian S. Calude, Peter H. Hertling & Karl Svozil - 1999 - Foundations of Physics 29 (3):349-379.
    Do the partial order and ortholattice operations of a quantum logic correspond to the logical implication and connectives of classical logic? Rephrased, How far might a classical understanding of quantum mechanics be, in principle, possible? A celebrated result of Kochen and Specker answers the above question in the negative. However, this answer is just one among various possible ones, not all negative. It is our aim to discuss the above question in terms of mappings of quantum worlds into classical ones, (...)
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    Computing with cells and atoms in a nutshell.Cristian S. Calude & Gheorghe P.?un - 2000 - Complexity 6 (1):38-48.
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    Incompleteness and the Halting Problem.Cristian S. Calude - 2021 - Studia Logica 109 (5):1159-1169.
    We present an abstract framework in which we give simple proofs for Gödel’s First and Second Incompleteness Theorems and obtain, as consequences, Davis’, Chaitin’s and Kritchman-Raz’s Theorems.
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  17. Computing with cells and atoms in a nutshell.Cristian S. Calude & Gheorghe Păun - 2000 - Complexity 6 (1):38-48.
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    Generalisation of disjunctive sequences.Cristian S. Calude - 2005 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 51 (2):120.
    The present paper proposes a generalisation of the notion of disjunctive sequence, that is, of an infinite sequence of letters having each finite sequence as a subword. Our aim is to give a reasonable notion of disjunctiveness relative to a given set of sequences F. We show that a definition like “every subword which occurs at infinitely many different positions in sequences in F has to occur infinitely often in the sequence” fulfils properties similar to the original unrelativised notion of (...)
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  19. On a theorem of Günter Asser.Cristian S. Calude & Lila Sântean - 1990 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 36 (2):143-147.
    Recently, G. ASSER has obtained two interesting characterizations of the class of unary primitive recursive string-functions over a fixed alphabet as Robinson algebras. Both characterizations use a somewhat artificial string-function, namely the string-function lexicographically associated with the number-theoretical excess-over-a-square function. Our aim is to offer two new and natural Robinson algebras which are equivalent to ASSER’S algebras.
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  20. WHAT IS. . . a Halting Probability?Cristian S. Calude - 2010 - Notices of the AMS 57:236-237.
    Turing’s famous 1936 paper “On computable numbers, with an application to the Entscheidungsproblem” defines a computable real number and uses Cantor’s diagonal argument to exhibit an uncomputable real. Roughly speaking, a computable real is one that one can calculate digit by digit, that there is an algorithm for approximating as closely as one may wish. All the reals one normally encounters in analysis are computable, like π, √2 and e. But they are much scarcer than the uncomputable reals because, as (...)
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  21. Incompleteness, complexity, randomness and beyond.Cristian S. Calude - 2002 - Minds and Machines 12 (4):503-517.
    Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems have the same scientific status as Einstein's principle of relativity, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, and Watson and Crick's double helix model of DNA. Our aim is to discuss some new faces of the incompleteness phenomenon unveiled by an information-theoretic approach to randomness and recent developments in quantum computing.
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    A genius's story: Two books on Gödel.Cristian S. Calude - 1997 - Complexity 3 (2):11-15.
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    El Maestro Eckhart en la mística española del s. XVI: Santa Teresa de Jesús y San Juan de la Cruz.Silvia Bara Bancel - 2024 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 308 (2):105-131.
    En 1966, Jean Orcibal advirtió la influencia directa del Maestro Eckhart en San Juan de la Cruz, y podemos preguntarnos si sucedió lo mismo con Santa Teresa de Jesús. De ser así, tendrían que haber llegado a España los escritos del Dominico alemán. A través de estas líneas mostraremos, en primer lugar, las vías de transmisión de los textos eckhartianos y cómo estuvieron a disposición de los místicos españoles en el siglo XVI: se hallaban presentes en las ediciones latinas de (...)
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    On Some Compatible Operations on Heyting Algebras.Rodolfo Cristian Ertola Biraben & Hernán Javier San Martín - 2011 - Studia Logica 98 (3):331-345.
    We study some operations that may be defined using the minimum operator in the context of a Heyting algebra. Our motivation comes from the fact that 1) already known compatible operations, such as the successor by Kuznetsov, the minimum dense by Smetanich and the operation G by Gabbay may be defined in this way, though almost never explicitly noted in the literature; 2) defining operations in this way is equivalent, from a logical point of view, to two clauses, one corresponding (...)
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  25.  34
    Gestión integral de residuos líquidos: estudio de caso de una planta refinadora de aceite de pescado.Dafne Hermosilla Espinoza, Cristián Oliva San Martín & Gladys Vidal - 2008 - Theoria: Universidad del Bio-Bio, Chile 17 (1):41-50.
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    Neuropsychological Assessment of Older Adults With Virtual Reality: Association of Age, Schooling, and General Cognitive Status.Camila R. Oliveira, Brandel J. P. Lopes Filho, Cristiane S. Esteves, Tainá Rossi, Daniela S. Nunes, Margarida M. B. M. P. Lima, Tatiana Q. Irigaray & Irani I. L. Argimon - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:355603.
    The development of neuropsychological assessment methods using virtual reality (VR) is a valid and promising option for the detection of cognitive impairment in the older people, focusing on activities composed of tasks of multiple demands. This study verified the association of age, schooling, and general cognitive status on the performance of neurologically healthy older adults in ECO-VR, a virtual reality task of multiple demands for neuropsychological assessment. A total of 111 older adults answered a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Mini Mental State (...)
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  27.  30
    Reflections on quantum computing.Michael J. Dinneen, Karl Svozil & Cristian S. Calude - 2000 - Complexity 6 (1):35-37.
  28.  37
    (1 other version)Determinação e diferença: considerações sobre a razão suficiente segundo Leibniz.Nuno Ferro - 2014 - Doispontos 11 (2).
    Entre os muitos textos em que Leibniz introduz e apresenta o princípio de razão suficiente está, como se sabe, o do parágrafo 7 dos Princípios da Natureza e da Graça. O texto diz: "Jusqu'icy nous n'avons parlé qu'en simples Physiciens : maintenant il faut s'elever à la Metaphysique, en nous servant du Grand Principe, peu employé communement, qui porte que rien ne se fait sans raison suffisante, c'est à dire que rien n'arrive, sans qu'il soit possible à celuy qui connoitroit (...)
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    Treatment of depression in the elderly with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation using theta-burst stimulation: Study protocol for a randomized, double-blind, controlled trial.Leandro Valiengo, Bianca S. Pinto, Kalian A. P. Marinho, Leonardo A. Santos, Luara C. Tort, Rafael G. Benatti, Bruna B. Teixeira, Cristiane S. Miranda, Henriette B. Cardeal, Paulo J. C. Suen, Julia C. Loureiro, Renata A. R. Vaughan, Roberta A. M. P. F. Dini Mattar, Maíra Lessa, Pedro S. Oliveira, Valquíria A. Silva, Wagner Farid Gattaz, André R. Brunoni & Orestes Vicente Forlenza - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    IntroductionTranscranial magnetic stimulation is a consolidated procedure for the treatment of depression, with several meta-analyses demonstrating its efficacy. Theta-burst stimulation is a modification of TMS with similar efficacy and shorter session duration. The geriatric population has many comorbidities and a high prevalence of depression, but few clinical trials are conducted specifically for this age group. TBS could be an option in this population, offering the advantages of few side effects and no pharmacological interactions. Therefore, our aim is to investigate the (...)
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    Experimental and relational authenticity: how neurotechnologies impact narrative identities.Cristian Iftode, Alexandra Zorilă, Constantin Vică & Emilian Mihailov - 2022 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-18.
    The debate about how neurotechnologies impact authenticity has focused on two inter-related dimensions: self-discovery and self-creation. In this paper, we develop a broader framework that includes the experimental and relational dimensions of authenticity, both understood as decisive for shaping one’s narrative identity. In our view, neurointerventions that alter someone’s personality traits will also impact her very own self-understanding across time. We argue that experimental authenticity only needs a minimum conception of narrative coherence of the self and that reversibility should remain (...)
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  31. Value Incomparability and Indeterminacy.Cristian Constantinescu - 2012 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 15 (1):57-70.
    Two competing accounts of value incomparability have been put forward in the recent literature. According to the standard account, developed most famously by Joseph Raz, ‘incomparability’ means determinate failure of the three classic value relations ( better than , worse than , and equally good ): two value-bearers are incomparable with respect to a value V if and only if (i) it is false that x is better than y with respect to V , (ii) it is false that x (...)
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  32. Contributive Justice: An exploration of a wider provision of meaningful work.Cristian Timmermann - 2018 - Social Justice Research 31 (1):85-111.
    Extreme inequality of opportunity leads to a number of social tensions, inefficiencies and injustices. One issue of increasing concern is the effect inequality is having on people’s fair chances of attaining meaningful work, thus limiting opportunities to make a significant positive contribution to society and reducing the chances of living a flourishing life and developing their potential. On a global scale we can observe an increasingly uneven provision of meaningful work, raising a series of ethical concerns that need detailed examination. (...)
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    Experimental and relational authenticity: how neurotechnologies impact narrative identities.Cristian Iftode, Alexandra Zorilă, Constantin Vică & Emilian Mihailov - 2024 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 23 (4):743-760.
    The debate about how neurotechnologies impact authenticity has focused on two inter-related dimensions: self-discovery and self-creation. In this paper, we develop a broader framework that includes the experimental and relational dimensions of authenticity, both understood as decisive for shaping one’s narrative identity. In our view, neurointerventions that alter someone’s personality traits will also impact her very own self-understanding across time. We argue that experimental authenticity only needs a minimum conception of narrative coherence of the self and that reversibility should remain (...)
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    Indeterminacy: Deep but not Rock Bottom.Cristian Mariani - 2020 - Analytic Philosophy 63 (1):62-71.
    Barnes (2014) has argued in this journal for the following conditional: If there is any metaphysical indeterminacy, this must be at the most fundamental level of reality. To argue for this claim, Barnes relies on two principles that I shall call bivalent completeness and determinate link. According to the former, a complete description is a bivalent assignment of truth values to every sentence. The determinate link, instead, establishes that the determination relation between levels of reality preserves determinacy from one level (...)
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  35. Agroecology as a vehicle for contributive justice.Cristian Timmermann & Georges F. Félix - 2015 - Agriculture and Human Values 32 (3):523-538.
    Agroecology has been criticized for being more labor-intensive than other more industrialized forms of agriculture. We challenge the assertion that labor input in agriculture has to be generally minimized and argue that besides quantity of work one should also consider the quality of work involved in farming. Early assessments on work quality condemned the deskilling of the rural workforce, whereas later criticisms have concentrated around issues related to fair trade and food sovereignty. We bring into the discussion the concept of (...)
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    Hacia la enseñanza de Los estudios artísticos en chile: Manuel de Salas Y la academia de San Luis.Noemí Cinelli - 2016 - Alpha (Osorno) 42:297-310.
    El artículo recorre la obra de Rodolfo Kusch posicionando sus principales propuestas en la construcción de tres enfoques convergentes en su filosofía. El primer enfoque está relacionado con la fenomenología y la cultura. El segundo enfoque se refiere a la influencia de la antropología y el cuestionamiento por el símbolo. El tercer enfoque despliega una aproximación filosófico-política. Estos enfoques permiten introducir tres “horizontes de pregunta” principalmente relacionados con el método, con lo popular y con lo indígena, que son expuestos (...)
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    Violence and Affectivity.Cristian Ciocan - 2020 - Human Studies 43 (2):195-218.
    The aim of this article is to explore the emotional dimensions involved in the phenomenon of interpersonal violence, identifying various modalizations of affectivity occurring in the architectonics of this phenomenon. I will first concentrate on symmetrical violence, namely, on the emergence of irritation, annoyance, anger, and fury leading to fierce confrontation. Next I will explore asymmetrical violence, where the passive pole experiences the imminence of the other’s violence in fear and in being terrified. I will then focus on the experience (...)
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    Functions, Organization and Etiology: A Reply to Artiga and Martinez.Cristian Saborido & Matteo Mossio - 2016 - Acta Biotheoretica 64 (3):263-275.
    We reply to Artiga and Martinez’s claim according to which the organizational account of cross-generation functions implies a backward looking interpretation of etiology, just as standard etiological theories of function do. We argue that Artiga and Martinez’s claim stems from a fundamental misunderstanding about the notion of “closure”, on which the organizational account relies. In particular, they incorrectly assume that the system, which is relevant for ascribing cross-generation organizational function, is the lineage. In contrast, we recall that organizational closure refers (...)
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  39.  28
    The Determinacy Problem in Quantum Mechanics.Cristian Mariani - 2024 - Foundations of Physics 54 (6):1-19.
    Of the many ways of getting at the core of the weirdnesses in quantum mechanics, there’s one which traces back to Schrödinger’s seminal 1935 paper, and has to do with the apparent fuzzy nature of the reality described by the formalism through the wavefunction $$\psi$$ ψ. This issue, which I will be calling the Determinacy Problem, is distinct from the standard measurement problem of quantum mechanics, despite Schrödinger himself ends up conflating the two. I will argue that the Determinacy Problem (...)
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  40. Is Quantitative Measurement in the Human Sciences Doomed? On the Quantity Objection.Cristian Larroulet Philippi - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
    Are widely used measurements in the human sciences (say happiness surveys or depression scales) quantitative or merely ordinal? If they are merely ordinal, could they be developed into quantitative measurements, just like in the progression from thermoscopes to thermometers? Taking inspiration from recent philosophy of measurement, some practitioners express optimism about future human science measurements. The so-called quantity objection stands out for having the only chance of settling the debate in favour of the pessimists. It claims that the problem lies (...)
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    O Pensamento de Ada Kroef Como Potência Para o Ensino de Filosofia.Cristiane Maria Marinho & Antônio Alex Pereira de Sousa - 2023 - Revista Dialectus 29 (29):104-122.
    Este artigo apresenta a potência do pensamento da filósofa e professora Ada Kroef para o ensino de Filosofia e a Educação. Para tanto, abordaremos os livros Currículo-nômade: sobrevoos de bruxas e travessias de piratas Inspirada pela Filosofia da Diferença (2018) e Escola como polo cultural: contornos mutantes em fronteiras fixas (2017). Nessas obras, a autora questiona teorias e práticas conservadoras do ensino e da educação de forma geral, propondo a criação de novas práticas e posicionamentos teóricos. A estrutura desse artigo (...)
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  42. Well-Ordered Science’s Basic Problem.Cristian Larroulet Philippi - 2020 - Philosophy of Science 87 (2):365-375.
    Kitcher has proposed an ideal-theory account—well-ordered science (WOS)— of the collective good that science’s research agenda should promote. Against criticism regarding WOS’s action-guidance, Kitcher has advised critics not to confuse substantive ideals and the ways to arrive at them, and he has defended WOS as a necessary and useful ideal for science policy. I provide a distinction between two types of ideal-theories that helps clarifying WOS’s elusive nature. I use this distinction to argue that the action-guidance problem that WOS faces (...)
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  43. Embodiment and Animality.Cristian Ciocan - 2018 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 50 (2):87-103.
    The aim of this article is to examine the problematic frontier that separates the phenomenology of the body and the phenomenology of animality. The main difficulty is to differentiate phenomenologically not only between embodiment and animality, but also between specifically human embodied experience and what is accessible to us through empathy in relation to the corporeality of the animal. I will tackle these questions by considering relevant textual material from the writings of Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger. On the one (...)
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    Current Debates in Philosophy of Science: In Honor of Roberto Torretti.Cristián Soto (ed.) - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume collects previously unpublished contributions to the philosophy of science. What brings them together is a twofold goal: first and foremost, celebrating the name of Roberto Torretti, whose works in this and other areas have had –and continue to have– a significant impact on the international philosophy of science community; and second, the desire of advancing novel perspectives on various issues in the philosophy of science broadly construed. Roberto Torretti has made substantial contributions to current debates in the history (...)
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    The Claimability Condition: Rights as Action‐Guiding Standards.Cristián Rettig - 2019 - Journal of Social Philosophy 51 (2):322-340.
    Is it justified to hold that an agent S has a (moral) right to P if the duty-bearer is not specified? There is an intense ongoing debate on this question. There are two positions in the literature. On the one hand, O´Neill´s much-discussed account of rights holds that it is justified to say that an agent S has a right to P if and only if the duty-bearer is sufficiently determined – i.e. if and only if it is clear against (...)
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  46. Heidegger’s phenomenology of embodiment in the Zollikon Seminars.Cristian Ciocan - 2015 - Continental Philosophy Review 48 (4):463-478.
    In this article, I focus on the problem of body as it is developed in Heidegger’s Zollikon Seminars, in contrast with its enigmatic concealment in Being and Time. In the first part, I emphasize the implicit connection of Heidegger’s approach of body with Husserl’s problematic of Leib and Körper, and with his phenomenological analyses of tactility. In the second part, I focus on Heidegger’s distinction between the limits of the lived body and the limits of the corresponding corporeal thing, opening (...)
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    Well-Being Measurements and the Linearity Assumption: A Response to Wodak.Cristian Larroulet Philippi - forthcoming - Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
    Wodak (2019) persuasively argues that we are not justified in believing that well-being measurements are linear. From this, he infers grave consequences for both political philosophy thought experiments and empirical psychological research. Here I argue that these consequences do not follow. Wodak’s challenges to the status of well-being measurements do not affect thought experiments, and well-being empirical researchers may be justified in making average comparisons even if their measurements are not linear.
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  48.  17
    La ética en la universidad: paralelismos entre la universidad tradicional y la universidad popular en el rol docente.Cristian Estiven Camargo Escobar & Juan Daniel Causil Orrego - 2020 - Perseitas 9:442-466.
    El presente texto tiene como propósito analizar teórico-conceptualmente las prácticas pedagógicas de la ética implementadas por los docentes en la universidad tradicional y la universidad popular en los años 2010 – 2020. Teniendo en cuenta, primero, las características inherentes de la universidad tradicional tanto en sus orígenes y principios fundamentales; segundo, las practicas pedagógicas de la ética en el rol docente; y tercero, el advenimiento, desarrollo y propuesta de la Universidad popular. Mediante este análisis fue posible develar los paralelismos (...)
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    Does argumentation change minds?Cristián Santibáñez - 2024 - Informal Logic 44 (3):339-360.
    Our intuition is straightforward: yes, argumentation changes minds. It can’t be otherwise! But many cognitive and discursive habits seem to suggest otherwise. As the literature in the psychology of reasoning incessantly emphasizes, we hardly change our minds (and the minds of others) because a predisposed robust confirmation bias (or myside bias) is at work every time we argue, among other persistent cognitive illusions (Pohl, 2012), heuristics and biases (Santibáñez, 2023). To adequately answer the questions of why and how argumentation changes (...)
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    Husserl’s Phenomenology of Animality and the Paradoxes of Normality.Cristian Ciocan - 2017 - Human Studies 40 (2):175-190.
    In this article, I will discuss the Husserlian phenomenology of animality, by focusing on several texts of the 1920s in which the animal is determined as an abnormal variation of the human being. My aim is to address the question of the abnormality of the animal by reintegrating it in its original context, which is Husserl’s theory of normality. I will sketch the general framework of this theory, its articulations and strata, in order to eventually raise some paradoxical issues, specifically (...)
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